My week in pictures

I thought I would do a post to let you guys know what my week (or just over a week but sh) has been and what better way to show you than in pictures? 

I went to Liverpool with my bestie to do boring passport duties but also to do some damage to my bank balance. I actually purchased 2 beautiful bikinis but you will have to wait until my holiday posts for those. So here is me and Emily posing for the camera.

This week it was also Emily's 19th birthday and we celebrated with a  BBQ at her house. Here is me posing and ready for the occasion and actually wearing colour for once in my life.

Here is me and Tess, walking to the birthday celebrations as it was actually pretty sunny (shocker)

Ah, Here is me lazing around in my furry jumper and watching gossip girl, most of my week consisted of this, and eating things I probably shouldn't.

Surprisingly, it was Kyle's idea to do the face masks (my boyfriend ladies and gents) and so here we are, looking very attractive with herbal conk masks on our faces, true love eh.

My week consisted a lot of Emily as you can see, here we had just filmed our first ever youtube video and were waiting to go in and watch Bad Neighbours at the cinema, which I found properly hilarious and Zac Efron very attractive.

I also practiced my sewing and made this two piece which I am extremely happy with, I can't wait to go on holiday and wear it with a nice tan (hopefully).

I hope everyones had a great week, and I will be posting very soon as I am off on an exciting day tomorrow.


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