Starting Over

starting over

How has it been 4 years since I last posted on here? That is actually ridiculous and slightly embarrassing but hey, i'm back and i'm ready to jump back into it.

So, it may be worth introducing myself again as (so cliche) but I'm definitely not the same girl that was blogging on here 4 years ago- and that's okay! To summarise the past 1,460 days, me and my boyfriend bought a house together, Holly (our gorgeous border collie) joined our little family, I've been busy working as a marketing executive in a real adult job and overall i've just been plodding along really- sorry that's not too exciting!

I could lie and say I don't know why I felt like blogging again, but the truth is, life- is- hard, and if the past few weeks have taught me anything it's that you don't need to have your life together by the time your 24 and it's completely fine if you're not where you expected to be at this stage (although scary!) I mean I have to give myself some credit, I'm a homeowner, a fur baby mama and over the past 4 years I have been working and doing okay for myself. So back to why i'm blogging again- due to unforeseen circumstances (thankfully not my own fault!), i've found myself currently unemployed  and so I have a fair bit of 'free' time on my hands to do something I enjoy. So this is now officially my 'me' time, and i'm ready to grab it with both hands.

So whilst i'm on the job hunt (and I promise to try and keep up with it after too), I'm going to blog away about whatever takes my fancy so if you're looking for something not so put together and a little bit all over the place then please, feel free to stick around!

1 comment

  1. Oh, I have just found your blog and I really like it. Now I am glad you decided to come back. I am so sorry to hear about your work. I am currently looking for a new job too. Wish you luck.


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